Switchgear and Protection-BE Semeseter 7

       L D College of Engineering Ahmedabad


      Department Vision

To Foster Learning Environment for Electrical Engineering Education having High Technical Skills, Ethical Values and Overall Global Competence.

        Department Mission

To provide high quality graduate program in Electrical Engineering to prepare students for

1.    Better Employability, Startups and Entrepreneurship.

2.    A professional career with essential technical and managerial skills.

3.    Collaboration with industries through research and innovation.

4.    Other avenues for higher education.

5.    Adapting to change in technology and apply the same for the benefits of society at large.


Program Educational Outcomes (PEOs)

PEO 1:

To create better learning environment to develop entrepreneurship capabilities in various areas of Electrical Engineering with superior efficiency, productivity, cost effectiveness and technological empowerment of human resource.



PEO 2:

To inculcate research capabilities in different areas of Electrical Engineering to identify, comprehend and solve problems and adapt themselves in a world of constantly evolving technology.



PEO 3:

To generate high standards of moral and ethical values among the graduates, this will help in transforming them as responsible citizen of the nation.




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